Sitting Exercises and Stretches for a Happy Body


If you find you sit most of the day build in some positive spinal movement to keep your neck back and shoulders happy.  Here is Vicky demonstrating some nice exercises.  This week adding these and a walk at lunchtime to break your seated day into two blocks, would be a nice treat for your body.

Side Stretch


Side Stretch


  • Spine 
  • Shoudler

How to 
– Sit evenly on your sit bones   
– Reach up high above you head and arc over reaching towards the corner of the room. 
– Maintain as much length from the sit bone to the tip of your hand as possible.  

– Wakes up circulation  
– side flexes and extends the spine 
– It’s super quick and easy  

Arm Arcs

Side Stretch

-Upper back 
– Shoulders 

How to  
– Sit tall and even on your sit bones 
– Reach tall, length, and space through the spine 
– Extend your upper back as you pull your arms down through your side
– Squeeze shoulder blades together and push your sternum forwards at the bottom of the movement
– Extend fingers as much as possible 

– Circulation
– Wake up upper back postural muscles 
– Extend shoulder and  get the length in the spine 

The Archer Upper body Rotation

The Archer

– Upper back 
– Neck and shoulders 

How to  
– Sit tall and even on your sit bones
– Arms at shoulder height
– lead upper back rotation with your elbow
– As you rotate turn to watch the elbow
– Breath in at the end of the range, breath out and try and rotate a little further.  

– upper back rotation and extension 
– Wake up upper back postural muscles 
– Extend shoulder and  get the length in the spine 

Seated Rolldown 

The Archer


  • Neck
  • Mid and lower back 
  • Shoudler blades  

How to 
– Breath in
– Sit tall on your sit bones
– Breath out, tuck chin to chest and roll down through the spine one vertebrae at a time. 
– Reverse the movement as you come back up  

– Wakes up your back muscles 
– Helps loosen the spine and the small muscles, tendons and ligaments between each vertebrae.