Tomasso Cairoli Sports Massage Osteopathy

About Me

Hi I’m Kione,  thanks for visiting.

My Story

My Story

I developed an interest in sport from a very young age, often overdoing it. Inevitably I need the help of a Chartered Physiotherapist to keep me on the right track. I found it fascinating how my physiotherapist was able to link performance, injury and pathology to help me overcome my injuries. Being a very inquisitive person I thought this is something I simply had to learn to do.

 I qualified from St George’s University Medical School in 2009 with a BSc Hons in physiotherapy and started working in the NHS. I quickly realised my passion for managing musculoskeletal physiotherapy and sport injuries early on and started working in private practice across central London.

I work with amateur, semi- professional and professional athletes, across football, basketball, rugby, cricket and UKA athletics to name a few.

I am passionate about helping people achieve their goals and my personal interest in sports performance and running related injuries led me a work with a renowned UK athletics coach and his team on the led up the 2012 London olympics. This really enabled me to home my skills and focus on the optimum biomechanics. 

I believe movement is essential to physical and mental health. I am very proud of the physiotherapy profession and the value it can add to the quality of someone’s life.







Gait analysis


Musculoskeletal injuries


manitpulative therapy




Electrotherapy, shockwave


pilates matwork and equipment


runner stretngth and conditioning


sports and injuries rehab