Physiotherapy for Back Pain

Give Your Body the Treatment it Deserves With the Help of Our Expert Physiotherapists

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Suffering from back pain?

Let us help you with a speedy recovery!

Conditions we treat

  • Back and Neck Pain
  • Shoulder Problems
  • Knee Injuries
  • Hip pain and dysfunction
  • Ankle and foot pain
  • Sports Injuries
  • Postural Problems
  • Scoliosis
  • Womens Health
  • Pre-surgery strengthening
  • Post-surgical rehabilitaion
  • Complications from chronic illness

Physiotherapy for back pain at Movement Perfected takes a comprehensive and individualized approach to address the specific needs and goals of each client. The team of experienced physiotherapists at Movement Perfected specializes in musculoskeletal conditions, including back pain.

Clients seeking treatment for back pain will undergo a thorough assessment to determine the underlying causes, contributing factors, and the impact of the pain on their daily life. This assessment includes a review of medical history, a physical examination, and potential referral for imaging or diagnostic tests if necessary.

Based on the assessment findings, the physiotherapist at Movement Perfected will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to the client’s specific needs. The treatment plan may incorporate various techniques and interventions to target the root causes of back pain and facilitate healing and recovery. Some common components of physiotherapy for back pain at Movement Perfected include:

  • Manual Therapy: The physiotherapist utilizes hands-on techniques such as joint mobilizations, soft tissue techniques, and spinal manipulations to relieve pain, improve joint mobility, and release muscle tension.

  • Exercise Prescription: A targeted exercise program is designed to enhance strength, flexibility, and stability in the back and core muscles. This program may include specific stretches, strengthening exercises, and functional movements to improve posture and support the spine.

  • Movement Retraining: Movement Perfected emphasizes retraining movement patterns and postural alignment to optimize movement efficiency and reduce strain on the back. Techniques such as motor control training or movement re-education may be employed.

  • Pain Management Strategies: The physiotherapist provides guidance on pain management, including advice on posture, ergonomics, and modifications to daily activities that can alleviate pain and prevent exacerbation.

  • Education and Self-Management: Movement Perfected aims to empower clients with knowledge about their condition and equips them with self-management techniques. This includes home exercises, lifestyle modifications, and strategies to prevent future episodes of back pain.

Throughout the treatment process, regular reassessment is conducted to track progress and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan to ensure optimal outcomes.

It’s important to note that specific treatments and techniques may vary depending on the individual’s unique circumstances. For detailed information about the specific physiotherapy services offered for back pain at Movement Perfected, clients are encouraged to contact the clinic directly via email at or by calling 07309673529.